this webbed site thing is pretty fun
This is all very nostalgic, actually, this spending seven straight hours working on my website instead of, I dunno, eating dinner. Or doing homework, which I guess I don't have any more, so well done me. Anwyay it's also a very good use of the outrageous amount of money I've spent on mechanical keyboards in the past year. See, I'm typing! Lots of typing.
Sooner or later I'll add some more stuff here, like an actual index of my fics and some recs and maybe the slides for my ArCon panels and maybe I'll write up the jonelias ship manifesto instead of just yelling about it on zoom to anyone who'll listen. Today I am amusing myself by re-learning how sass works and by actually making a css framework work for me. (And being mildly annoyed at how much manual work it is to put in a new post. Does this mean I'll spend tomorrow turning this into a Hugo theme so I can go back to writing posts in markdown and not having to write HTML tags by hand?...probably, tbh.)
Oh, and adding HTML plugins to vim, because wow vim is disappointing at HTML.
I am so sorry for having become That Guy. In my defense, I was also That Guy when I was fifteen, and I am feeling hugely nostalgic about that right now.