Adventures in Ergonomics
So, uh. I spent something like twelve hours one day in July working on my website, sitting down right after breakfast and basically staying there for the rest of the day, and due to the fact that I can't sit in a chair like a normal human being (and also I'm not 25 anymore) I fucked up my hip pretty good. And that fucked up my knee even more--yes I have a fucked up knee from an old high school marching band injury--and next thing I knew I couldn't sit at my desk without being in agonizing pain. Honestly it's a good thing that I work from home because this would have been a goddamn nightmare if I'd had to be in an office; at least this way I could get up and move around from time to time.
I tried, briefly, a standing desk converter, but I've gotten so used to having a full-sized L-shaped desk that perching on a 30-inch-wide platform was a nightmare (never mind how godawful a mechanical keyboard sounds when elevated on a platform with no acoustics at all). I also tried a saddle-seat stool, which was a better idea; I can't sit with one leg folded under me that way, and I can't twist my ankles around in a way that fucks up my knee. I can't sit in that chair for more than four hours either, but going from that one in the morning to the regular one in the afternoon does seem to make a big difference.
But while I was trying all that out, I was still determined to work like a grown up from my desk and uh. My knee was not getting better. (I went to the doctor and got some x-rays taken, but that didn't prove anything.) And then, finally, I gave in and moved my ass to the couch.
I've been resisting just moving my laptop elsewhere because it's a 13" macbook and my desk is set up with two 24" monitors and that's a lot of screen real estate lost (and also the only way I stay in contact with my coworkers is by Slack and there's no universe in which I let Slack ding a notification at me every time there's a post so I do need to have it at least semi-visible). Fortunately I live in a town with a state university and they have a surplus auction house that's only about a twenty minute drive away, and a couple of weeks ago they finally had a stock of monitors for twenty-five bucks apiece. So I grabbed one of those, and a cheap monitor mount from Monoprice (easily my favorite cheap consumer electronics source right now), and with a spare USB hub and the lap desk I haven't really used in years I now have an extremely comfortable and surprisingly functional reclining desk setup on the couch.
It's not perfect--I'd prefer the desk be a little lower and it would be nice to get the laptop in a better position than just "perched on the edge of the coffee table"--but it's shockingly good. And after a week of working exclusively from the couch I was able to go back to my desk last week for the majority of the time.
It probably wasn't the best idea, to be honest; my knee is feeling twisted up again and I could even tell it was happening (which is helpful, at least, in confirming what I'm doing and maybe what might help me stop doing it in the future). And yeah, I'm pretty pissed that I probably really ought to buy a standing desk and all the related accessories. I like my giant desk, but I'm not paying $1,000 for an L-shaped standing desk. But I'm not going to be in pain half the time if I can avoid it, either.