I've been rewatching...
I've been rewatching Invisible Man and Darien vs Arnaud gets funnier the more bilingual people I know.
Darien: Then maybe you could teach me some Swiss douche. Arnaud: ...excuse me? Darien: That's your language, right? Arnaud: That's Swiss *Deutsch*, Swiss German. I am Swiss French. Darien: So you don't douche? Arnaud: [giving him an injection] Little prick
(Also it turns out that Arnaud's brother was my original mental image for Peter Lukas, I just didn't remember it was him. Which works because Arnaud is absolutely a bargain-bin Elias who really wants to be some kind of evil mastermind but he just. can't. pull it off.
I have chosen to believe it's because Arnaud is trying to do this with science alone, not having noticed that evil supernatural fear entities are a) real and b) the way everyone else is managing to be evil masterminds.
The Agency is to the Web as the Magnus Institute is to the Eye (although Eberts is an avatar of the End) (death and taxes, you know).)
(The truly tragic thing about Invisible Man is just how many people there are in this show who would appreciate Elias's sense of humor.)